Haqqani Suhbats: ' Everyone is Taking from the Prophet (s) ' by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani q.s
Everyone is Taking from the Prophet (s)
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani qs
14 December 2013 - Masjid Taman Keladi Sungai Petani, Kedah Darul Aman

Salam 'alaykum wa rahmatullahi wa barakaatuh. Alhamdulillah, whomsoever Allah guides no one can lead astray whoever Allah sends astray cannot be guided. Ashadu la ilaha ill 'Llah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan rasoolullah Before we begin speaking, in any action, we must first renew our Islam and Iman and first we must praise our Prophet (s). And speaking about the Prophet (s) it is not possible for any human beings to know the value and greatness of the Prophet (s). His Value to Allah is unbelievably expensive and no one can understand it, except his Companions and the Guided Caliphs.
As for the Imams and the Successors and the Successors of the Successors...Imam al-Busyari, who was a knower about some of the secrets said, "Everyone is taking from the Prophet (s) either in gulps from the ocean or drips from the mist. And in this saying that every creation must take from the blessings of Sayyidina Muhammad (s), because he said all, kull everything is taking from the Prophet (s). And nothing is outside of al-kull, everything, so all things are.
Therefore in need of the Prophet (s), both in this life and the Next Life. Sayyidina Muhammad al-Busayri (r) said, “gharfan min al-bahri aw rashfan min ad-diyami - Either they are taking in buckets from ocean or in handfuls from the constant rain.”
Ibn `Ajeeba said, and he was from the great scholars of the Ummah, so that people understand said, "knowledge is of two types: knowledge of papers and knowledge of taste." And Sayyidina Bayazid al-Bistami (q) said "O my Lord, how can I come to You?" and the voice came "leave your self and come!" and Sayyidina Bayazid said, "how do I leave my self?". "Leave your will and let your will be what Allah's Will is for you".
Who does not do that is in fact showing shirk al-khafee, hidden shirk, for hidden shirk in fact is to show your will in preference to Allah's will. Purify oneself of anger. Therefore Allah mentioned those who put down their anger and the ones who forgive others. Allah does not like us to be angry but to put down our anger. so we must not ever let anger control us. If we prevent anger from controlling us then our selves will be divested of and you will become pure and you will begin to hear what no one can hear and see what others cannot see, as the hadith of the Prophet (s),"My servant does not cease to approach Me through voluntary worship until I love him and when I love him I will become the eyes with which he sees, I will become the ears with which he hears..to the end of the hadith.
At that time that hadith will be realized in us. Among the people today who can claim I hear what others don't hear and I see what others dont see. and if someone denies that a person can do that is denying the words of the Prophet (s) and they are described by the Holy Qur'an as those will. We cannot say that is bid'ah and shirk. We don't know what that man sees, we cannot say he doesn't see, what we don't see. No, he is devoted to Allah and spends his entire time in His worship. Allah is the Most Merciful of the Merciful and the Generous, so He gives to whom He pleases, how can you deny Your Lord's Power to make that man a wali of Allah, and the Prophet (s) says in holy hadith ...
Imam Isma`eel al-Bukhari, author of the hadith book, Sahih al-Bukhari, is there anyone more truthful than him? no. Therefore we cannot deny his vision of the Prophet (s) and this is something to common Muslims, not only for Sayyidina Imam Bukhari. It is possible right here there are people who have seen the Prophet (s) in the dream.
Until the end of the Salat al-Faatih, haqqa qadrihi wa miqdaarihi al-`azheem. Muhammad Talmaysani was told in a vision by the Prophet (s) to recite that salawat and that it would be as if you recited 100,000 times Dalail al-Khayrat. Reciting it only one time. That will be equal to 800,000 times Dalail al-Khayraat, ie. If you lived 100 years in worship you could do that. The angels and the Prophet (s) said, from His Lord:
anaa jaleesu man dhakaranee, I am present with those who are remembering Me, meaning I am with them supporting them and that hadith begins, Allah has angels roaming the streets seeking out the sittings of remembrance of Allah and when they find these circles of dhikr they sit with them and make dhikr with them.
And there is another hadith about circles of dhikr, when you find the gardens of Paradise, sit among them, and the Sahaba asked what are the gardens of Paradise and the Prophet (s) said, the circles of Dhikr. And such a gathering like this one ia a piece of Paradise and such will take place up to Judgment Day. Who wants better than that that His Lord is with him? and your Lord is with you as long as you are remembering Him. "Remember Me and I remember you. Thank Me and dont be ungrateful."
"Those who remember Allah standing, sitting and lying down and ponder on the creation of heavens and earth." it is essential to ponder on Allah's creation until you become aware of His Greatness. Then that Greatness will be dressed on you. and you will be able to see what others cannot see. You cannot be described in this dunya, and the tongue it melts under the descriptions of such stations which are mentioned in Holy Qur'an that after Dhikr they contemplate
Hadith of revelation of Surat Maryam, that when Jibreel came to the Prophet (s) with Surat Maryam and said to him kaf, the Prophet (s) said, I know it.
O Mawlana we don't pretend we are scholars. "Above every know there is a higher knower." We want only to be at the threshold of the Prophet (s). That is what we seek. That is what we ask. That is what we want.
O our Lord, you know us and our hearts. make our Prophet with us in every moment. That is what we seek and that is what the brothers and sisters and young people seek. And who love the Prophet (s) will be under his shafa`a. that is what we want to have the love to the Prophet (s). Everyone will be with the one they love.
So we want to be with the Prophet (s). and we ask Allah to forgive us and to renew our iman and that we raise our hands and altogether we recite ashadu la ilaha ill 'Llah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan rasoolullah. ashadu la ilaha ill 'Llah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa rasooluh. ashadu la ilaha ill 'Llah wa ashadu anna Muhammadan `abduhu wa rasooluh. (Bay'a`)
Wa min Allah at tawfeeq
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