The Complaining Slave
by Shaykh Mohammad Effendi qs
31 October 2012 – Lefke Cyprus

As-Salamu Alaikum. Tariqatuna sohbah wa l-khayri fil jamia'. If mankind accepts what Allah says & is content with what Allah wants he is at rest. Because Allah (awj) wants people to be on the right way. And the right way is to have faith. From Adam (as) up till now, till our Prophet (sas) came 124.000 Prophets. And each one... For some, Books were descended upon them. Allah descended Books upon them so they spoke to people with it.
Descending, descending. Finally the Holy Quran descended and completed all. What we want to say is that all the religions were True religions but their times have passed. Now the time is the time of Islam. Allah's pleasure is with those who follow it. And Muslims should show contentment for being granted this gift from Allah, for all conditions: People can be rich, can be poor. Every condition, every situation is what Allah wants, what Allah thinks suitable. You should be content with it. It can be that you are poor. Most people get wild, go astray when they get money.
Therefore Allah (awj) made it like this, created man like this. He should be content with it. The dunya life is already for a short time. Before you live it, it looks long but when you live...When you look ahead, years, days look very long to people but when he looks back & sees the life he lived he gets surprised. Only yesterday I was a kid, I was young... It was only last year, it was spring. How it passed so fast & it become autumn again. Days are passing by fast.
Therefore if you are going to live a few days, live it by pleasing Allah. And what pleases Allah? If you are content on this way & do as He says, Allah will be pleased with you. Of course dunya is a place of test, is a place of difficulties. Definitely, whether you are the strongest man in the world or the weakest, whether you are the richest man or the poorest man, each one has different tests, different things. Meaning there is no one who will come to this world & find rest. Who is at rest is the one who is content with what Allah does. This is coming from Allah, it is the order of Allah. If this didn't happen something else will come on us. We can't get along with this person but if is not him, then it can be something worse. There are endless people on Allah's side & man can't live alone also. Man's condition can change every minute, different states can come. Therefore be content with your condition it could be worse. There is a nice story that Mawlana used to tell. Mawlana tells us to tell such stories because it is good to do so & it says in Quran also "So relate the stories" (7:176).
The scholars don't like stories. These new ones that showed up recently. There were slaves in old times of course. And if the slave wants he can ask his master "Sell me, I am not very pleased." And some sell so that he won't get upset. One slave, his master would eat lettuce. The master would make him eat the sides of the lettuce & he would eat the middle part. He happened to like it more. The slave got upset &asked his master to sell him. His master sold him. His new master this time was eating the middle part & the sides, all of it without giving him anything. He got upset even more, saying "I was not even content with the old one what kind of a thing is this?" He asked his master to sell him & he did.
They saw that this third man, he made him as a candle holder, put candle on his head. He lit the candle & he was sitting. And the slave is keeping quiet, is not asking him to sell himself although he has no comfort like he had before. He was very comfortable before, he was much better. They asked him "Are you crazy? This man is torturing you like this. How come you didn't like the good master & made him sell you & now you fell into the hands of this worse one." He said "You can't interfere with Allah's business. Each time I was not content with my master, I fell to worse ones. The first one was like this, then I fell to a worse one & this 3rd is the worst. I am afraid that if I ask this man to sell me, the new one will say 'you have too much oil in your eyes' & burn it also so I'm content with this". So there is always worse. Show contentment. If you show contentment, you will be at rest. Who is not content always burns himself from inside & finishes & can't do anything about it either, it is not possible to stand against Allah.
Today we speak about people are all time in stress, in bad mood. Why? Who is following what Allah ordering & happy with this order, Allah will be happy with him & this people or human being or whatever they will be satisfied. Allah what He order, Allah what He is happy with people? Allah happy with people to be in right way. And right way, what is this? It is religion. Because He is ordering what to do. There was from Adam (as) until Sayyidina Muhammad (sas) 124.000 Prophets (as) coming. And each one, coming following.. Maybe making, Allah ordering new thing or to do something. Some of them have Book also from Allah, like Tawrat, like Injil. And last one Quran, complete all these Books.
So Allah is happy with people they are believe. We believe in all religions since coming from Adam (as) until Prophet Muhammad (sas). We accept them, we accept them all & Quran also accept them. But now it is time of Quran because it is real miracle, everything inside from Tawrat or from Bible, or from.. all Books inside Quran. And Allah happy with people following His order. Now order is in Quran. Who are trying to make new law, new thing, Allah not happy with that. And they will never be happy, these people. Because when you following Allah's law, you must be happy with your situation.
Allah create people, some of them rich some of them poor, some of them weak some of them strong. From Allah this. If you accept this from Allah, you will be satisfied & you will be happy. No harm. Because maybe to be poor man better. Many people when they find money they become out of right way, going bad way. And money is nothing. And human being, if the most richest one in the world. If you are the most richest one in the world or you are the poorest one or you are strongest one, or you are weakest one, everybody Allah put for them some difficulty, to make people not be happy in this world. The most richest man, you think he is the most happiest one? No, not at all, at all... We know the most richest one in Turkey. He was 65 years & become cancer and then.. And he had disabled children also..
So you can't buy happiness with money. So for this, you must accept your situation & be happy with Allah, so that time you will be rest. Other, if you say "No, this man is very bad, this is not good, what is this?" Ok, this man not good but there is, Allah create billions people. If this not good, Allah send another one. If you are not happy with that He (swt) send another one. Your situation not good, He send-you can find another difficulty. In this world, in this life until you die it is like this. Even you don't know after 5 minute what will happen also. So you must be accept Allah's order & you say this is from Allah, so you will be rest. Otherwise, you are burning from inside.
And there is one story, my father, many time we hear from him & he said "When make sohbat, say some story also". Story good, even in Quran Allah ordered"Faqsusi Al-Qasas"(7:176).Tell story about people. There was one slave. Before in old time you know there were slaves; you can buy them, you can sell them. And in Muslim country, when some slave is not happy with his master he can tell him "you can sell me". He sells him. This, he was working with man. He was very good. But when he was eating some kind of salad, it has branch. Giving branch for this slave & he eat inside. He look one, two..& become making this problem for himself.
He said "Please sell me, I don't want to be with you anymore". He take him to where they sell slave. He sell him to another man, buying him. Another one, when he was working with him, he was eating whole salad not giving anything for him. So he become more angry & tell him "sell me". Ok. Third one, looking he is not around anymore & they coming seeing him they were shaving his head & he put candle on his head, this new master. He is not saying anything. They were astonishing "You were in good master & you say 'sell me'. What you do this for yourself? This man is very bad treat you. It is not human being treatment, what is this..?"
He said "I am afraid, every time I am getting worse & worse. And this is Ok. If I say to sell me maybe other one will say 'your eyes, too much oil in your eyes. Take your eye's oil & burn it' So I am happy, ok with this". So there is condition worse & worse.. So you must be happy with your condition.
Wa min Allah at-Tawfiq, Al Fatiha.
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