Haqqani Suhbats: ' Rasulullah (s) Give His Jubah to Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarani (ra) ' by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani q.s
Rasulullah (s) Give His Jubah to Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarani (ra)
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani qs
30 March 2013 - Upper Saddle River, NJ USA

Bismillahir Rahmaanir Raheem
Look at Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarani (r), what happened? You know the story? What is the story? What happened? His mother said to him, “Don’t leave me to go and see the Prophet (s); for Allah’s sake stay with me.” He was going to see Prophet (s) and his mother said, “For Allah’s sake, for Prophet’s sake, don’t go!” Allahu akbar. And he stayed back. What did he get in reward? He listened to his mother and didn’t go to see his Prophet (s). And when he decided to go, the Prophet (s) had passed away.
When Prophet (s) was dying, and this is a story from Grandshaykh (q), because awliyaullah, like many common people, they see the Prophet (s) in dreams and when you see the Prophet (s) in dreams telling you something that is correct! No question. He said he saw in a vision, when the Prophet (s) was leaving dunya he called Sayyidina `Umar (r) and Sayyidina `Ali (r), and said, “This is my robe, thawb,” the long dress that Arabs wear, like jalabiyya.
When Prophet (s) was leaving dunya he was sweating, sweating, sweating, sweating, sweating, until his clothes became very wet and if you squeezed it like that, drops would come out, from the sweat he was sweating. Tell them not to repeat that story, quote me about it. He said to Sayyidina `Umar (r) and to Sayyidina `Ali (r), “When I leave dunya take that one and give it to Uwais al-Qarani.” Sayyidina `Umar (r) and Sayyidina `Ali (r), of course when the Prophet (s) passed away, of course they cried, they were busy, but later they took the robe and it was still wet, the sweat of the Prophet (s) doesn’t dry.
That is similar to when I had one hair of Prophet (s) in London, we were making ziyaarat and many Pakistani’s have Holy Hairs of the Prophet (s). And one had a long hair, it was in a jar, and there is the Holy Soil from the Grave of Prophet (s) in it too. And I said, “Yunus.” He said, “Yes?” And I said, “Do you know what is coming to my heart?” He said, “Yes.” And I said, “Okay, go get scissors, I need half of it.” And he didn’t say “No,” he did it, and gave me half. I put it in a tube.
And the next year I came and asked Yunus to bring the Holy Hair of the Prophet (s) as it was Mawlid. And he brought the hair and it had grown back to its original length. Everyone was surprised because they saw last time I cut half of it. And I wanted to make sure, so we brought a flashlight and I shined it on the hair, there was no shadow. There was a small pebble, to hold it, which showed a shadow but no shadow of the hair. It is Hayy, alive. So also the sweat of the Prophet (s) is alive.
So they took that robe, wrapped it and they went to where Prophet (s) told them they can find him, and they were asking for him. His name was `Abdullah, he was known as `Abdullah, and they were asking;“Where is Uwais al-Qarani?” Asking, asking, then they asked a child, who was clever, “Do you know where is Uwais al-Qarani?” And he said, “I don’t know of Uwais al-Qarani, but can you describe him?” And they said, “Yes, someone who wanted to go and see Prophet (s), his mother...”And he said, “O that is `Abdullah! Yeah, yeah, yeah! Come, come, I will take you!” He took them. And Sayyidina Uwais al-Qarani (q) was sitting on a rock looking after the sheep, and he had his back to them.
And as they came near he said, without looking, “Yaa `Umar bring me the amaanat.” He took it, stood up, kissed it and put it on his head. Sayyidina `Umar (r) always likes questions, he wants to ask, he wants to know, `Umar (r) said to him, “Yaa Uwais, did you see Prophet (s)?”. And Sayyidina Uwais (q) said, “I ask you the same question,” and he didn’t answer, he said, “Did you see the Prophet (s)?”. Sayyidina `Umar (r) said, “Of course I saw Prophet (s)! I was with him day and night.”And Sayyidina Uwais said, “Yaa `Umar you did not see the Prophet (s), describe him to me.” So `Umar described his shamaail, different characteristics, eyes, ears etc.
Uwais said, “Everyone saw Prophet (s) like that. Yaa `Ali did you see the Prophet (s)?”
And he said, “Yes, one time in my life.” He said, “I saw Prophet (s), he called me when my eye was having problems, on the battlefield. And he looked at me and said, ‘Yaa `Ali, look at my belly and up.’ I looked and found the whole universe disappeared, and Prophet (s) filling the whole universe and his head is under the `Arsh. Then the Prophet (s) said, ‘Look from my belly and down.’” And Sayyidina `Ali (r) looked and found him filling, to his knees, the seven earths, and below that he did not see. “Then he said, ‘Look at all of me.’” He looked and found everything disappeared and wherever he turned his face he saw Prophet (s).
And Sayyidina Uwais (r) said, “Yaa `Ali, you are correct, you saw him.” So Sayyidina `Umar said, “Yaa Uwais, what is this robe’s speciality that Prophet (s) sent it to you?” He said, “Yaa `Umar, in this robe, Prophet (s) did not leave dunya without asking forgiveness on behalf of everyone of his ummah. And he sweated for everyone of his ummah, for each person, so each drop of sweat represents one person he interceded for when he was leaving dunya. And this robe, this dress, contains all of them, the whole ummah, from beginning to end, the sweat represents each member of his ummah, where the Prophet (s) interceded in front of Allah, that’s why he was sweating, ashamed from his Lord.” And he got acceptance that they are all under the shafa`ah of Prophet (s). So, who is then the bankrupt? When you know these Islamic Principles, and you know that you are going to be in front of Prophet (s), ashamed, because you are spreading false rumors, and Allah will not forgive you because they involve the rights of people; your `amal:
Wa qadimnaa ilaa maa `amiloo min `amalin faja`alnaahu habaa’an manthoora.And We shall turn to whatever deeds they did (in this life), and We shall make such deeds as floating dust scattered about. (Surat al-Furqaan, 25:23)
“We come to what they have done and we throw their `amal in their faces,” Allah said. That’s why their `amal is not accepted; let them pray as much as they like! Their `amal is not accepted. They are going to be asked and questioned:
`An abi hurayratata (r) anna rasoolullahi (s) qaala atradoona maa al-muflis? Qaaloo al-muflis feenaa man laa dirham lahu wa laa mata`. Faqaala inna ’l-muflis min ummatee yaatee yawm al-qiyamati bi-salaatin wa siyaamin wa zakaatin wa yaatee wa qad shatama hadhaa wa qazhafa hadhaa wa akala maala hadhaa wa safaka dam hadhaa wa daraba hadhaa fa-yu`tee hadhaa min hasanaatihi wa hadhaa min hasanaatihi fa in fanayta hasanaatahu qabl an yuqdaa maa `alayhi aakhadha min khataayaahum fa-turihat `alayhi thumma turiha fi ’n-naar.
The Prophet (s) said: Do you know who the muflis (bankrupt one) is? The muflis from my Ummah is one who comes on the Day of Judgment having performed prayer, fasting, and giving zakaat. However, along with all of this, he abused this person and slandered that person, ate the wealth of this person and unlawfully spilled the blood of that person. These people will take from his good deeds. If, however, his good deeds become exhausted, then their sins will be put upon him and he will be thrown into the Fire. (Muslim, Ahmad, Tirmidhi)
So, let us pray for everyone to say, “Yaa Rabbee, we are all weak servants, us and them. Those who backbite us, we forgive them and we keep going, doing our job,” and try to close the door that the wind comes from, we don’t need to smell their bad smell, then you are going to fall into the dirty smell. No, stay in the perfumerie, al-`attaar, you will get some perfume on your hand. If you go to a blacksmith you get some fire sparkles on your body. No, it is better to save ourselves and we say, “May Allah forgive us all, wa as-salaamu `alaykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.
Wa qeela li-Salman al-Farsi awsinaa fa-qaala man istata` minkum an yamootu haajan aw ghaaziyan aw `amiran li-masjida rabbihi fal-yaf`al wa laa yamootanna taajiran wa laa khaa’inan.
They asked Salmaan al-Farsi to advise them and he said, “whoever among you is able to die on hajj or fighting as a soldier (against an aggressor) or building a mosque, then let him do so, but do not die as a trader nor as a traitor.
We are squeezed here, but on Day of Mahshar we will not be squeezed inshaa-Allah. And we are squeezed here because we are listening to something that makes us happy and on Judgment Day, inshaa-Allah we will not be squeezed but saved with no account and enter Paradise with no account!
Wa min Allah at Tawfeeq
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