Haqqani Suhbats: ' Consistency with your awraad is the key ' by Shaykh Hisham Kabbani q.s

Consistency with Your Awraad is the Key
Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani
2 November 2013 New Jersey
Suhbah at Private Residence (Suhbah in progress.)
Every one of us has a goal in his life; for some, their goal is Allah and His Prophet (s) completely and they give all their time. Some have (intention for) Allah and His Prophet (s) according to their capacity, which is also very good. Some have one day thumma amanoo, one day thumma kafaroo, which means one day they are on the right way, and one day they make mistakes.
I was going to go and rest, but Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (q) sent a message, “No! These are one of the best times, because in two days it is the first of Muharram, the beginning of the New Year,” and awliyaullah in these days are busy in preparation for this coming year, which is a heavy condensed year with too many changes going to happen. So he said, “Don’t miss that opportunity to convey a message to everyone seeking Allah and his Prophet (s), because people came here for...they can pray at home and they do not take the difficulty of travelling in order to sit and do their prayers.”
Such associations are important not because the person who is speaking is important, no, and not because the materials are important, no. It is important because of the tajalli, the manifestation that Allah sends at certain times. No one knows when it happens, and this morning Allah’s manifestation of His Rahmah, as Allah wants His servants to learn, not through Alif, Baa, Taa, or through reading and communicating through books, but through certain light that Allah throws in the heart of those who are present in this association.
Like Sayyidina Musa (a) and Sayyidina Khidr (a)... Why did Sayyidina Musa (a) go to Sayyidina Khidr (a) although Sayyidina Musa (a) is higher in knowledge? Yes, Sayyidina Musa (a) is higher in knowledge and had `Ilm ash-Shari`ah, Knowledge of Shari`ah, as Allah gave Shari`ah to Musa (a) for one reason: because he was Kaleemullah and any question he asks, he gets answers. But `Ilm al-Haqaa’iq was with Khidr (a) and that does not mean that Sayyidina Musa (a) is not higher; of course he is higher, he is one of the Oolu ‘l-`Azam, the Five Main Prophets.
So the importance is not who is who, or who is there, but the importance is that tajalli that Allah (swt) sent and awliya always look for it, and this morning we have such tajalli here. That will come to you, because someone asked me yesterday about that; they want to learn this kind of knowledge and how can they achieve it? That is to be achieved by patience, not reading books, not studying, nothing else, as Allah opens to the heart.
Our duty in order to be on the right track is to do three things, and awliyaullah recommend three things that if you do them, you are going to get that Reality for those who are asking for it. If your shaykh asks you and tells you that, “In this spot of Earth, under the Earth, inside, there you can get your amaanat, they are ready for you there!” Grandshaykh, Allah bless his soul, said, and I am quoting Grandshaykh, “There are seven spots in the world that are very important for us.”
People mine for diamonds underground, maybe deep under the ground, two kilometers or three to four miles down, to get these diamonds of one, two or more carats. He said, “There are seven in this world,” and awliyaullah are saying this, what you cannot find in books. He said, “There are seven diamonds that have the touch of Sayyidina Jibreel (a) and no one knows where they are except one, which is in the hands of Mahdi (a). Six are hidden and when Mahdi (a) comes they will appear.”
How important is it if someone told you that diamond is in this spot in the Earth? “Go and dig,” and gives you a broken shovel to take out the earth to reach that diamond. “Go and dig,” would you do it? (Yes, sir!) Mashaa-Allah, you are a wali then! (Laughter) You will do it, because he told you there is a diamond there that has a touch of beauty from Sayyidina Jibreel (a), and everyone will dig but you will come with a question mark, “Why is my shaykh giving me a broken shovel to dig? It means he doesn’t want me to reach it,” as after two or three minutes the shovel is broken and you cannot dig. But the shaykh said, “Do it!” and your job is to do it.
So don’t ask, “How I can do it?” He knows you cannot do it, but he wants you to do it. “You want your treasures? Your treasures are there, so dig with a broken shovel in order to get your treasures from where they are hiding!"
Yeah, for sure you cannot get it by your dunya calculation, but by Akhirah calculation, you inherit, you inherit from Prophet (s), and awliyaullah inherit this kind of power from Prophet (s)! You put 1+1, it equals 1, and they say, “It equals 2,” but in reality it equals 1, by logic it equals 1. They say, “How it equals 1?” If you put one drop of water together with another drop of water it equals one. So put 1 +1 and you will find the reality that Prophet (s) threw in the hearts of awliyaullah:
وكلّ من رسول الله ملتمسا غرفا من البحر أو رشفا من الدّمي
Wa kullun min rasoolillaahi multamisun, gharfan min al-bahri aw rashfan min ad-diyami.
All of them partake from the Prophet of God a handful of his oceans or a sip from his continuous rains. (Imam al-Busayri, Burdah ash-Shareefa)
And Prophet (s) will not say no, he will give as much as your capacity because as much you can take, he gives.
When Prophet's uncle Abu Jahl invited him to his house in order to get rid of him and he dug a ditch, a hole, and covered it so when Prophet (s) would come he would fall inside, when Prophet (s) came to the invitation Abu Jahl was so happy, not because he was coming to eat, but because he was going to fall in the hole without seeing it.
So Abu Jahl was running and he fell in the hole, Prophet (s) didn't fall in the hole, but he fell in it! He forgot about it. Who saved him? Prophet (s)! Books say it was Prophet (s), for sure. Awliyaullah say that Prophet (s) extended his hand into the well to pull Abu Jahl out and if it was not for the hand of Prophet (s), Abu Jahl would have been falling to the End of Days, to the Day of Judgment, falling down into that hole, never coming out!
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